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Info for Teachers

In your classroom sit the next generation of leaders,
and the future of our nation.

With countless cultural pressures that are constantly shaping their world views and self image, Red Frogs hopes to partner with you to engage students’ critical thinking skills and strengthen their personal and social capabilities.

Our expertly developed education programs address a number of real-life issues students face in a non-judgemental and practical way, offering information, advice and leadership insights from our 10 years of experience with young people.

Click the button below to view the launch of our 2020 talk outlines.

Red Frogs Education prepares students for success in the various situations they will face in society

2020 Outline

#Program Overview

Party Safe Program

Party Safe Program

Encourages and empowers your students to make positive choices at Matric Holiday and other party environments.

The Topics You Raised Were Pertinent and the Girls Certainly Got the Message That They Need Each Other. I Think You Did a Great Job in Bringing Awareness and How To Have a Great Matric Holiday.

Ms Rimmer - St Mary's School, Johannesburg

#Our Presenters

Our presenters are fun, vibrant and engaging with a genuine passion to see your students make positive life choices and reach their potential.

Our presenters are fun, vibrant and engaging with a genuine passion to see your students make positive life choices and reach their potential.

Each has a wealth of personal experience communicating and relating to young people, and are fully trained professionals.

#Book Now!