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Info for High School Students

Think of us like a big brother or a big sister, no matter what you do you know we will love you and we are always there to help.

As Red Frogs, we believe in you and your potential.

We see the amazing opportunities that you have ahead of you as you come to the end of your schooling years, and we are here to cheer you on and support you as you take the next steps!

Below you will find resources that will set you up to win at Matric, plus further resources for what the next chapter holds for you.

we are here to cheer you on and support you as you take the next steps!

Doing an assignment on Red Frogs?

Doing an assignment on Red Frogs?

We have all your questions covered (we hope).

School Survey

School Survey

Complete this survey for your chance to win a prize!

#Matric Survival Tips

Red Frogs top tips to staying safe at Matric!

Read More

#Further Resources

The Desk

The Desk is a free online program providing students with tools to tackle some common issues that get in the way of success and achieving goals - such as stress, procrastination, feeling down, relationship issues and managing worries.


Headspace provides a wealth of information relating to general mental health, physical health, work & study and drugs & alcohol. Set yourself up for a win with education and practical tips.

Grace Counselling

At Grace Counselling, we are all about being part of God's plan in putting the pieces of people's lives back together. This site aims to be an open-access resource to aid all forms of counselling from church based, volunteer driven counsellors to professionals in the private sector and include resources from support groups to personal growth courses.

#Can I get Red Frogs at my school?

We'd love to hear from you to discuss the possibility of coming to your school. Email us at

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