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Info for Parents

Brought to you by Allen's Lollies

As a parent, it's sometimes hard to have those tough conversations with your young person surrounding the potential risks and dangers associated with party environments. Why not make the awkward moment easier with a red frog?

No, not the human kind - the lolly kind! We've found sometimes all you need is an Allen's red frog to break the ice.

We've Found Sometimes All You Need Is an Allen's Red Frog to Break the Ice.

#The secret to connecting with your Millennial

Why do teenagers drink?

Is it because of social media, culture, peer pressure? It can be. But many parents don't realise that the drinking habits you model to your kids, friends and family members significantly impacts the drinking habits of the young people in your life.

Here is one story which shows the negative effects a poor relationship with alcohol can have on a young person.

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